
Calculate the number of paths in a grid from top left to bottom right

I need to calculate the number of paths from top left to right bottom where a valid path is path that crosses all the squares in the grid (and exactly once for every square)

I'm using the backtracking technique. Unfortunately, count is 0 in the end of the calculation. Printing t, I see that it never gets to n-1.

What's wrong with my algorithm?

n = 4
count = 0
m = [[False for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)] 

def num_of_paths(m, x, y, t):


    global count

    # check if we reached target
    if x == (n - 1) and y == (n - 1):
        if t < (n * n):
            # not on time, prune the tree here
        elif t == n * n:
            # completed a full path in the grid and on time
            count += 1 

    if t > n * n:

    # Right
    if x + 1 < n and m[x + 1][y] == False:
        m[x + 1][y] = True
        num_of_paths(m, x + 1, y, t + 1)
        m[x + 1][y] = False

    # Left
    if x - 1 > 0 and m[x - 1][y] == False:
        m[x - 1][y] = True
        num_of_paths(m, x - 1, y, t + 1)
        m[x - 1][y] = False

    # Down
    if y + 1 < n and m[x][y + 1] == False:
        m[x][y + 1] = True
        num_of_paths(m, x, y + 1, t + 1)
        m[x][y + 1] = False

    # Up
    if y - 1 > 0 and m[x][y - 1] == False:
        m[x][y - 1] = True
        num_of_paths(m, x, y - 1, t + 1)
        m[x][y - 1] = False

num_of_paths(m, 0, 0, 0)


  • There are the following issues:

    Some other remarks:

    Here is a corrected version of your code. Comments should clarify what was changed and why:

    n = 5
    count = 0
    m = [[False for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)] 
    def num_of_paths(m, x, y, t):
        global count
        # Moved the "visited" check to here. No need to add `== True`.
        if m[x][y]: 
        if x == (n - 1) and y == (n - 1):
            if t < (n * n):
            else: # Removed the unnecessary condition here
                count += 1 
                # Added a return here
        # Removed an if-block of which the condition could never be true
        # Moved the "visited" marking to here:
        m[x][y] = True
        if x + 1 < n:
            num_of_paths(m, x + 1, y, t + 1)
        # Corrected "> 0" to ">= 0"
        if x - 1 >= 0:
            num_of_paths(m, x - 1, y, t + 1)
        if y + 1 < n:
            num_of_paths(m, x, y + 1, t + 1)
        # Corrected "> 0" to ">= 0"
        if y - 1 >= 0:
            num_of_paths(m, x, y - 1, t + 1)
        # Moved the "visited" unmarking to here:
        m[x][y] = False
    # Corrected the last argument
    num_of_paths(m, 0, 0, 1)