
Options for token storage and refresh in SPAs

I've been reading Aaron Parecki's draft of browser-based apps' (meaning SPAs like those developed with React or Angular) authentication best practices with OAuth 2 as well as OWASP security guidelines, and it left me really confused:

  1. The draft of the RFC mentions rotating refresh tokens. Now how would I do that while adhering to stateless constraint of REST? Do I include some digest of a random string in the cookie and the refresh token as well and check if they are equal?
  2. What is the correct way (or rather, some of the more secure ways) of storing refresh tokens in the browser? I've checked okta's JS auth library, and it uses localStorage by default, which OWASP guidelines recommend against. Does it have some kind of extra protection? Should I put some extra digest in it and also put it in a cookie and match them?
  3. OWASP recommends session IDs should be completely opaque to the client, but if we use JWT, doesn't it violate this principle? Does this mean I should always encrypt my JWTs with a symmetric cipher?

Some references:



    In the traditional SPA flow it was common to silently renew tokens by running an authorization code flow on a hidden iframe. Meanwhile access tokens were best stored only in memory and should also be short lived. There were still threats of capturing tokens in transit.

    2021 UPDATE

    There are two big changes to browsers that are related to SPA token refresh:


    So it is now recommended to store refresh tokens in HTTP only encrypted SameSite=strict cookies. You can issue such cookies using a utility API, to avoid impacting the developer setup or deployment of an SPA. The OAuth for Browser Based Apps document has further info.