
ReadDirectoryChangesW only places single event in the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION buffer

I have a problem that ReadDirectoryChangesW keeps missing events.

I did a lot of googling and the bellow function arguments seem correct according to my searches, but nobody knows for certain. I start watching like this.

BOOL _watchRequestResult = false;
OVERLAPPED _ovl = { 0 };
_ovl.hEvent = ::CreateEventA(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

_directoryHandle = ::CreateFileA("some path here", FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,

// This should be quite enough to fit multiple file events
static constexpr DWORD ResultDataLength = 10000;
// Byte size used for winapi calls and memcpy during move operation
static constexpr DWORD ResultDataByteSize = ResultDataLength * sizeof(FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION);
FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION _resultData[ResultDataLength] = { 0 };

_watchRequestResult = ::ReadDirectoryChangesW(

After the above, I wait for the _ovl.hEvent using WaitForMultipleObjects. I use multiple objects, because there's always also the event I ise to tell the watch thread to quit.

If the ovl.hEvent is notified, I do this:

DWORD _ovlBytesReturned = 0;
// Imagine some struct that I use to pass the file info, not important how it looks
std::vector<MyFileInfoStruct> results;
if (::GetOverlappedResult(_directoryHandle, &_ovl, &_ovlBytesReturned, TRUE))
  int byteIndex = 0;
  bool previousWasRename = false;
  const int minSize = min(ResultDataLength, _ovlBytesReturned);
  while (byteIndex < minSize)
    FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* info = reinterpret_cast<FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&_resultData[0]) + byteIndex);
    byteIndex += info->NextEntryOffset;

    // read the stuff in the info

    // If next entry index is 0, it means there is no next entry
    if (info->NextEntryOffset == 0)
// if file is renamed, merge new name and old name to same result. However rename works to give me two FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION that both contain expected data
// results is always 1 item long

I should note at this point, that info->NextEntryOffset is not always 0 - if I rename a file, I correctly get two entries in _resultData, one for new filename and one for old.

What never get is multiple file changes per event. This is a problem, the whole code looks like this (pseudocode)

Let EVENTS be an array of HANDLE event objects
Let FILE_CHANGES be a buffer of file changes 
  Wait for events from previous iteration stored in EVENTS array. Skip on first iteration.
  if(event has fired) 
    if(event that fired is ovl.hEvent)
      Put file changes from the event that fired into FILE_CHANGES array (seen in 2nd code sample above)
      Delete and close all handles related to the event:
         Close directory handle
         Close ovl.hEvent
      Close everything and quit thread.
  Start new request (seen above in 1st code sample)
  if(FILE_CHANGES is not empty) 
    Process all info from FILE_CHANGES

Now you can see that I restart the request for ReadDirectoryChangesW before I process the MyFileInfoStruct array. But the problem is, if more than two files are copied, the second file is registered by the event while I am processing the previous one, but the subsequent changes are ignored until I "pick up" the last change and restart the event.

I could fist this partially by having second thread to do the Process all info from FILE_CHANGES part. But that only reduces chance of missing the events by making the whole start request -> wait -> pick up -> restart event routine a bit faster. It does not actually provide 100% coverage, there is still a moment where no ReadDirectoryChangesW request is pending.

I've been reading a lot on the internet and found two solutions being mentioned often:

Thus the question is: How do I get ReadDirectoryChangesW and GetOverlappedResult to keep adding file changes in the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION[] buffer until I "pick up" the results by calling GetOverlappedResult? is this even possible? Has anyone managed to get multiple results into one buffer?


  • For renaming a file there are two actions happened: FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME and FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME. These two action events you can retrieve via once calling of ReadDirectoryChanges and GetOverlappedResult as you already have done.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I have a problem that ReadDirectoryChangesW keeps missing events.

    To capture events like copy two files and delete two files, for example, firstly I copy TESTA.txt and TESTB.txt to directory D:\testFolder, then delete them both. I can get all events by calling ReadDirectoryChanges and GetOverlappedResult in a while loop. Both functions called by four times for fours events.

    enter image description here

    Test code as follows:

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    typedef struct TEST_INFO {
        DWORD NextEntryOffset;
        DWORD Action;
        DWORD FileNameLength;
        WCHAR FileName[100];
    int main()
        BOOL _watchRequestResult = false;
        OVERLAPPED _ovl = { 0 };
        _ovl.hEvent = ::CreateEventA(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
        HANDLE _directoryHandle = ::CreateFileA("d:\\testFolder", FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
        // This should be quite enough to fit multiple file events
        static constexpr DWORD ResultDataSize = 100;
        _TEST_INFO _resultData[ResultDataSize] = { 0 };
        while (true)
            _watchRequestResult = ::ReadDirectoryChangesW(
                ResultDataSize * sizeof(_TEST_INFO),
            DWORD _ovlBytesReturned = 0;
            if (::GetOverlappedResult(_directoryHandle, &_ovl, &_ovlBytesReturned, TRUE))
                int byteIndex = 0;
                while (TRUE)
                    _TEST_INFO* info = reinterpret_cast<_TEST_INFO*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&_resultData[0]) + byteIndex);
                    byteIndex += info->NextEntryOffset;
                    wprintf(L"File name: %s, ", info->FileName);
                    printf("Action: ");
                    switch (info->Action)
                    case FILE_ACTION_ADDED:
                        printf("Added \n");
                    case FILE_ACTION_REMOVED:
                        printf("Removed \n");
                    case FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED:
                        printf("Modified \n");
                    case FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME:
                        printf("Rename old name \n");
                    case FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME:
                        printf("Rename new name \n");
                    // If next entry index is 0, it means there is no next entry
                    if (info->NextEntryOffset == 0)


    GetOverlappedResult function:

    The results reported by the GetOverlappedResult function are those of the specified handle's last overlapped operation.

    So renaming a file is an overlapped (rename) operation and copying a file is an overlapped (copy) operation. However copying two files are two overlapped (copy) operations. So it requires calling GetOverlappedResult two times instead of one.