
Is there any advantage using UserDetailsService of Spring Security, when setting membership with JWT?

I'm applying JWT to authenticate the requests. Parsing and Validating works in my Spring Cloud Gateway. I made a custom filter on SecurityWebFilterChain, which parse and validate the JWT in request header.

I will add this custom filter to ServerHttpSecurity using ServerHttpSecurity.addFilterBefore(myCustomJwtRequestFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class).

I want to use SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication) of Spring Security to authenticate the request.

I found that most of examples of it use UserDetails to make Authentication class.

Most of examples I found use UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, and I found that it requires UserDetails. To build UserDetails, it essentially requires username, password, roles.

But in my case, I do not want to validate my jwt with User DB every time I got requests. Also, I do not need the password of user since I will not validate it once I generated Token. I want to use only Username and Roles in JWT payload itself.

In summary, I want to make Authentication class only with username and roles and set it authenticated if parsed jwt is validated with my custom method.

It works well with custom userDetails:

UserDetails userDetails = User.builder().username(String.valueOf(parsedInfo.get("username")))

But I have to set Dummy password into it, which I do not need.

I think my solution is not properly applying spring security. But if I won't use UserDetails, is there benefit to use spring security?

Is there any better solution for my case?


  • If you just need to validate the JWT token then you can use Spring AOP for that.

    public class JwtAspect {
        @Before("execution(* com.yourpackageName.* (..))")
        public void checkJwtToken(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
            String jwtTOken = request.getToken();
            if (null == jwtToken) {
                throw new Exception("Token Not Found. ");

    If you get the token, parse it and also check the expiry. If above everything works fine, you can proceed your JoinPoint.