
pyVisa TypeError after applying folder structure

Im using pyVisa to communicate with an OSA. After i move the files in folders to have a better structure, nothing works anymore. The structure is: ProjektFolder -> Includes -> and ProjektFolder -> Instrument ->

In the code is like this:

import pyvisa
class VisaInstrument():

    def __init__(self, resource):
         self.rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
         self.resource = resource
         self.instr = self.rm.open_resource(self.resource)
         logging.debug('New lab object (resource %s) created.' % self.resource)

and in

from Includes import VisaInstrument
class osa(VisaInstrument.VisaInstrument):

    def __init__(self, resource):
        VisaInstrument.__init__(self, resource)

When i try to initialize the osa like this (in a different file):

from Instrument import osa
osaControl = osa.osa('GPIB0::14::INSTR')

i get following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in

File "C:\python\ProjektFolder\Instrument\", line 40, in init

VisaInstrument.init(self, resource)

TypeError: module() argument 1 must be str, not osa

With init as show in code not bold

can anyone tell me whats my mistake here?


  • The problem was: i didnt call VisaInstrument properly in class osa

    from Includes import VisaInstrument
    class osa(VisaInstrument.VisaInstrument):
        def __init__(self, resource):
            VisaInstrument.VisaInstrument.__init__(self, resource)
                 ^this was missing