
Windows ADFS SAML markup vs Standard SAML makeup

I have a question about SAML markup. I'm currently working on a project where I need to integrate a third-party application to work with windows ADFS.

I see in the sample SAML file they have sent me the makeup always starts with <saml:....>

for example:

<saml:Assertion ...>







...... etc

While in Windows ADFS, the SAML file that gets generated doesn't have this saml append in it's response markup.

<Assertion ...>







i'm getting {"non_field_errors":["invalid_response"]}after ADFS login, so I'm trying to isolate what causing this to happen. cloud this be a reason for it not to work?


  • Check out my channel which has more than 10 videos explaining everything related to ADFS -

    Also check this video, to know how you can verify my answer -

    *The sample which you have received from your team, is a SAML 1.0 token, for which the saml was supposed to be used as prefix. Below mentioned is one example. * enter image description here

    *But, if you request SAML 2.0 token, this prefix will not be available. *

    enter image description here