
Connecting Blue Prism in local machine to Blue Prism Application Server in different machine

I am not able to connect Blue Prism to Blue Prism application server in different machine. I get error as

The following error has occurred: The caller was not authenticated by the service.

However, I was able to connect Blue Prism to Application Server in same machine. What to do for application server and Blue Prism in different machines? Is there some change to be done in BPServer.exe.config file for allowing remote machines to connect to application server?


  • The default server connection mode (WCF: SOAP with Message Encryption & Windows Authentication) authenticates using Windows / Active Directory.

    If the remote machine and the server are in different domains or don't share an active directory that may be the cause.

    WCF: Insecure connection mode does not validate server identity using active directory -- try that instead.