
ColdFusion 2016 and MongoDB 4.0.13

I am trying to connect ColdFusion 2016 (local machine developer mode) to MongoDB 4.0.13 (server). I installed mongodb-driver-core-3.8.2.jar, bson-3.8.2.jar and mongodb-driver-3.8.2.jar into my lib folder. when I try to run this code, it never connects to Mongo, it errs out. Am I not using correct drivers ?


<cfset uri  = CreateObject("java","com.mongodb.MongoClientURI").init("mongodb://")>
<cfset mongoClient  = CreateObject("java","com.mongodb.MongoClient").init(uri)>

<cffunction name="m" returntype="any">
    <cfargument name="value" type="any">
    <cfif IsJSON(arguments.value)>
        <cfset local.retrun = CreateObject("java","com.mongodb.util.JSON").parse(arguments.value)>
        <cfset local.retrun = CreateObject("java","com.mongodb.util.JSON").parse( SerializeJSON(arguments.value) )>
    <cfreturn local.retrun>

<cfset myDb = mongoClient.getDatabase("testingdb")>
<cfset myCollection = myDb.getCollection("testingcollection")>
<cfdump var="#myCollection.countDocuments()#">

Error: Timed out after 30000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException: Prematurely reached end of stream}}]


  • I figured it out. Here is what it needs: