tl;dr: I'm trying to rewrite some dependently-typed code that has a list of sigma-types in Haskell, and I can't seem to generate singletons for an existential, in other words this code fails:
data Foo :: Type where
Foo :: forall foo. Sing foo -> Foo
$(genSingletons [''Foo])
Longer version follows.
Assume this Idris code as a model:
data AddrType = Post | Email | Office
data AddrFields : AddrType -> Type where
PostFields : (city : String) -> (street : String) -> AddrFields Post
EmailFields : (email : String) -> AddrFields Email
OfficeFields : (floor : Int) -> (desk : Nat) -> AddrFields Office
Addr : Type
Addr = (t : AddrType ** AddrFields t)
someCoolPredicate : List AddrType -> Bool
data AddrList : List Addr -> Type where
MkAddrList : (lst : List Addr) -> {auto prf : So (someCoolPredicate lst)} -> AddrList lst
Basically, when we're given a value of type AddrList lst
, we know that lst : List Addr
, and that someCoolPredicate
holds for that list.
The closest I managed to achieve in modern Haskell is, assuming singletons-2.5:
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
data AddrType = Post | Email | Office
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
$(genSingletons [''AddrType])
$(singEqInstances [''AddrType])
data family AddrFields (a :: AddrType)
data instance AddrFields 'Post = PostFields { city :: String, street :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data instance AddrFields 'Email = EmailFields { email :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data instance AddrFields 'Office = OfficeFields { flr :: Int, desk :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Addr :: Type where
Addr :: { addrType :: Sing addrType
, addrTypeVal :: AddrType
, fields :: AddrFields addrType
} -> Addr
$(promote [d|
someCoolPredicate :: [Addr] -> Bool
someCoolPredicate = ...
data AddrList :: [Addr] -> Type where
AddrList :: { addrs :: Sing addrs, prf :: SomeCoolPredicate addrs :~: 'True } -> AddrList addrs
But how do I actually construct a value of this type given an [Addr]
? In other words, how do I express something like the following in Idris?
*Addrs> MkAddrList [(Post ** PostFields "Foo" "Bar")]
MkAddrList [(Post ** PostFields "Foo" "Bar")] : AddrList [(Post ** PostFields "Foo" "Bar")]
The problem is that looks like I have to be able to do toSing
or equivalent on the list of Addr
, but $(genSingletons [''Addr])
fails. Indeed, even the code in the tl;dr section fails. So what should I do, except for abandoning this idea?
The solution to this problem requires singletons of singletons, which were introduced in singletons-2.6
. First, the required language extensions and imports:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, PolyKinds, DataKinds,
TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, InstanceSigs,
TypeApplications, FlexibleInstances, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module AddrSing where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Kind
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Singletons.Sigma
Now we can define AddrType
and generate singletons for it:
[d| data AddrType = Post | Email | Office
deriving Show
Nothing fancy so far, but then we have AddrFields
, which is a bit more tricky:
data AddrFields :: AddrType -> Type where
PostFields :: { city :: Symbol, street :: Symbol } -> AddrFields Post
EmailFields :: { email :: Symbol } -> AddrFields Email
OfficeFields :: { floor :: Nat, desk :: Nat } -> AddrFields Office
deriving instance Show (AddrFields addrType)
Instead of String
and Integer
I had to use Symbol
and Nat
, as the latter can be promoted. And then, since AddrFields
is itself a GADT, we have to singletonize it by hand:
data SAddrFields :: forall addrType. AddrFields addrType -> Type where
SPostFields :: Sing city -> Sing street -> SAddrFields (PostFields city street)
SEmailFields :: Sing email -> SAddrFields (EmailFields email)
SOfficeFields :: Sing floor -> Sing desk -> SAddrFields (OfficeFields floor desk)
deriving instance Show (SAddrFields addrFields)
type instance Sing = SAddrFields
instance (SingI city, SingI street) => SingI (PostFields city street) where
sing = SPostFields sing sing
instance (SingI email) => SingI (EmailFields email) where
sing = SEmailFields sing
instance (SingI floor, SingI desk) => SingI (OfficeFields floor desk) where
sing = SOfficeFields sing sing
Automating this bit is an open issue:
Next, let's define Addr
, which is simply a dependent pair:
type Addr = Sigma AddrType (TyCon AddrFields)
Here's an example of an Addr
x :: Addr
x = SPost :&: PostFields undefined undefined
The Symbol
fields of PostFields
cannot have any inhabitants, so I had to fill them in with undefined
, but this is unimportant at the moment. Just note that we already have a singleton as our first component, SPost
This is where singletons of singletons come into play. We can singletonize x
as follows:
xSing :: Sing @Addr (SPost :&: PostFields "Foo" "Bar")
xSing = sing
For the final bit, let's define someCoolPredicate
and AddrList
someCoolPredicate :: [Addr] -> Bool
someCoolPredicate (_ : _) = True
someCoolPredicate [] = False
data AddrList :: [Addr] -> Type where
MkAddrList :: (SomeCoolPredicate addrs ~ True) => Sing addrs -> AddrList addrs
deriving instance Show (AddrList addrs)
With this machinery in place, your Idris example MkAddrList [(Post ** PostFields "Foo" "Bar")]
is written as follows:
ghci> MkAddrList @'[SPost :&: PostFields "Foo" "Bar"] sing
MkAddrList (SCons (SWrapSing {sUnwrapSing = SPost} :&: SPostFields (SSym @"Foo") (SSym @"Bar")) SNil)
Full code here: