
How to catch QEvent::LanguageChange in QObject

My goal is to retranslate a QObject subclass on the fly.

In QWidget it's really simple to catch QEvent::LanguageChange: we just override changeEvent. However, there is not such method in QObject and this is where I'm stuck.

How to catch QEvent::LanguageChange in QObject?


  • You can simply override the QObject::event method...

    class my_object: public QObject {
        using super = QObject;
        virtual bool event (QEvent *event) override
            if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) {
                 * Retranslation code goes here...
                 * Return true to prevent further processing.  This may
                 * or may not be what you want depending on your needs.
                return true;
             * Fall through to the base class implementation.
            return super::event(event);

    Alternatively, you could put the same logic in an event filter and attach that to the QObject of interest.