
How to run the Chrome Beta version with ChromeDriver using Selenium?

i am trying to run the chrome beta version with selenium Web-driver. When i run the test case i got the following error on console see image please:

click here to see exception

I have added following lines in the node config file:

"capabilities": [

        "platform": "WINDOWS",
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "chromeOptions": "drive:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome Beta\Application\chrome.exe",



I am using following setup:

chrome Web-driver= 80_0_3987_16
Google chrome= 80.0.3987.66 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

we have Hub and Node setup and automated test suit executed from GO cicd Server. any help would be appreciated, thanks


  • To run either of the browser variant among:

    You need to to download the latest Chromium binary from either of the official repositories:

    and you can use the following solution:
