
Merge data frames by date generating NA

I'm learning R and currently trying to fill in a data frame with missing dates and NA values.

Data sample:

Date <- c("23-01-19", "24-01-19", "25-01-19",  "30-01-19", "31-01-19" )
Open <- c("69.849998", "69.440002", "69.540001", "70.32", "69.559998")
High <- c("69.849998", "69.440002", "69.540001", "70.32", "69.559998")
Low <- c("69.849998", "69.440002", "69.540001", "70.32", "69.559998")
Close <- c("69.849998", "69.440002", "69.540001", "70.32", "69.559998")
Adj_Close <- c("69.849998", "69.440002", "69.540001", "70.32", "69.559998")
Volume <- c("0", "0", "0", "0","0")

InvescoDf <- data.frame(Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Adj_Close, Volume)

I'm trying that:


df <- InvescoDf
df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date, "%d-%m-%y")                    # assign as Date
df$Date<-as.POSIXlt(df$Date,format="%Y-%m-%d")             # assign as POSIXlt
df1.zoo<-zoo(df[,-1],df[,1])                               # assign Date as index
df2.zoo<-zoo(,seq(start(df1.zoo),end(df1.zoo),by="day"))   # create data sequence
df2 <- merge(df1.zoo,df2.zoo, all=TRUE)                    # merge 

Error : Warning message: In merge.zoo(df1.zoo, df2.zoo, all = TRUE) : Index vectors are of different classes: POSIXlt POSIXct

Apparently seq() creates a POSIXct, but I only need the days not the hours. I don't really understand the zoo object, probably there is the mistake. Please help and tell me what further information you need.


Now I'm trying to iterate through multiple dfs, can someone help?

OssiamDf <- InvescoDf
new_list <- list(InvescoDf, OssiamDf)
new_list <- lapply(new_list, function(dat) {
# change all to date
  dat[[1]] <- as.Date(dat3[[1]], "%d-%m-%y")
# change the other variables to num 
  dat[-1] <- lapply(dat[-1],  function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
# complete the dates?
  dat[[1]] <- lapply(dat[[1]], complete(dat[[1]], 
Date = seq(min(dat[[1]]), max(dat[[1]]), by = "day")))

I don't know how to put the complete state into the lapply Pls help.


  • You can convert Date to date object and then use complete from tidyr to fill missing dates.

    InvescoDf %>%
      mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, "%d-%m-%y")) %>%
      complete(Date = seq(min(Date), max(Date), by = "day"))
    #  Date        Open  High   Low Close Adj_Close Volume
    #  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>  <int>
    #1 2019-01-23  69.8  69.8  69.8  69.8      69.8      0
    #2 2019-01-24  69.4  69.4  69.4  69.4      69.4      0
    #3 2019-01-25  69.5  69.5  69.5  69.5      69.5      0
    #4 2019-01-26  NA    NA    NA    NA        NA       NA
    #5 2019-01-27  NA    NA    NA    NA        NA       NA
    #6 2019-01-28  NA    NA    NA    NA        NA       NA
    #7 2019-01-29  NA    NA    NA    NA        NA       NA
    #8 2019-01-30  70.3  70.3  70.3  70.3      70.3      0
    #9 2019-01-31  69.6  69.6  69.6  69.6      69.6      0

    To do this for multiple dataframes in a list, we can do

    new_list <- lapply(new_list, function(dat) {
        dat[[1]] <- as.Date(dat[[1]], "%d-%m-%y")
        # change the other variables to num 
        dat[-1] <- lapply(dat[-1],  function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
        # complete the dates?
        dat <- complete(dat, Date = seq(min(Date), max(Date), by = "day"))
        #dat <- complete(dat, Date = seq(min(dat[[1]]), max(dat[[1]]), by = "day"))


    InvescoDf <- type.convert(InvescoDf)