
Parsing FB-Purity's Firefox idb (Indexed Database API) object_data blob from Linux bash

From a Linux bash script, I want to read the structured data stored by a particular Firefox add-on called FB-Purity.

I have found a folder called .mozilla/firefox/b8eab5j0.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++37a9788c-671d-4cae-ba5c-fbdb8788499a^userContextId=4294967295/ that contains a .metadata file which contains the string moz-extension://37a9788c-671d-4cae-ba5c-fbdb8788499a, an URL which when opened in Firefox shows the add-on's details, so I am pretty sure that this folder belongs to the add-on.

That folder contains an idb directory, which sounds like Indexed Database API, a W3C standard apparently used since last year by Firefox it to store add-ons data.

The idb folder only contains an empty folder and an SQLite file.

The SQLite file, unfortunately, does not contain much application structured data, but the object_data table contains a 95KB blob which probably contains the real structured data:

INSERT INTO `object_data` VALUES (1,'0pmegsjfoetupsf.742612367',NULL,NULL,
[... 95KB ...]

Question: Any clue what this blob's format is? How to extract it (using command line or any library or Linux tool) to JSON or any other readable format?


  • Well, I had a fun day today figuring this out and ended creating a Python tool that can read the data from these indexedDB database files and print them (and maybe more at some point): moz-idb-edit

    To answer the technical parts of the question first:

    For all practical intents and purposes you can read the value of a single storage key of any extension by downloading the project mentioned above. Basic usage is:

    $ ./moz-idb-edit --extension "${EXT_ID}" --profile "${MOZ_PROFILE}" "${STORAGE_KEY}"

    Where ${EXT_ID} is the extension's static ID (check its manifest.json file or look in about:support#extensions-tbody if your unsure), ${MOZ_PROFILE} is the Firefox profile directory (also in about:support) and ${STORAGE_KEY} is the name of the key you'd like to query (unfortunately querying all keys is not supported yet).

    Also writing data is not currently supported either.

    I'll update this answer as I implement more features (or drop me an issue on the project page!).