
maven war overlay won't exclude dependancies

I have a project where I am attempting to overlay a pre-built war with a compiled jar from another module and some files in the war project.

| |
| + source.war
+-+ jar
| |
| + pom.xml
| + src
|  ...
  + pom.xml
  + src
    .... no jars

I want to exclude some of the jars that are configured as maven dependencies for the jar.

I have tried all of the following exclude lines in the pom for the war. the undesired jar shows up regardless.




I am running maven under eclipse. The war plugin reports version maven-war-plugin:2.2:war


  • Turns out I was attempting to solve the problem the wrong way. The exclusion goes on the dependency.

            <!-- the jar of custom code -->
                   <exclusion>  <!-- declare the exclusion here -->
    <!-- the war I am overlaying -->

    The following links helped me.

    Maven: remove a single transitive dependency