
Removing /product-category/ and /shop/ from URL in WooCommerce

I'm building an ecommerce store with WooCommerce, and I would like to change how my URLs are created. At the moment the structure is


For SEO purposes would like to change it to


but when I delete the product category base in Wordpress permalink settings, it just reappears. Then I found this page stating that I shouldn't change it at all. Is that true? Am I wrong in wanting to alter the URLs?

If it's fine to change them, how can I do it?


  • I think this will help you.

    Removing those URLs is one of the major improvements in search engine optimization for any online store because then search engines will not take into account the unnecessary words in the link. So, the search for your products will become more precise. I also encountered this problem and tested most of the plugins that were available on the WordPress website. Now I definitely can recommend Permalink Manager by Premmerce because it's a free, very user-friendly, and simple plugin.
