
Fitting a function f(x,y,z) with a quadratic polynomial

I'm trying to fit a function f(x,y,z) with the following quadratic polynomial:

3d polynomial

Some distorted spherical surface in three dimensions. The problem is related to the calculation of effective masses in solid state physics.

Here is a picture of the data to show that it indeed falls off parabolically in all directions, even though the curvature in the z-direction is rather low: 3d parabolas

I'm interested in the coefficients, which correspond to effective masses. I've got an array of xyz coordinates, which is regular and centered on the maximum:

[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          0.01282017]
 [ 0.          0.          0.02564034]
 [-0.05026321 -0.05026321 -0.03846052]
 [-0.05026321 -0.05026321 -0.02564034]
 [-0.05026321 -0.05026321 -0.01282017]]

And a corresponding 1D array of scalar values, one for each point. The number of data points around this maximum can range from 100 to 1000.

This is the code I'm currently trying to use for fitting:

def func(data, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz):
    x = data[:, 0]
    y = data[:, 1]
    z = data[:, 2]
    return (
        (1 / (2 * mxx)) * (x ** 2)
        + (1 / (1 * mxy)) * (x * y)
        + (1 / (1 * mxz)) * (x * z)
        + (1 / (2 * myy)) * (y ** 2)
        + (1 / (1 * myz)) * (y * z)
        + (1 / (2 * mzz)) * (z ** 2)
    ) + f(0, 0, 0)

energy = data[:, 3]
guess = (mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz)
params, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(
    func, data, energy, p0=guess, method="trf"

Where f(0,0,0) is the value of the function at (0, 0, 0), which I retrieve with the scipy.interpolate.griddata function.

For this problem, the masses should be negative and have values between -0.2 and -2, roughly speaking. I'm creating guess values through a finite difference differentiation.

However, I don't get any senseful results from scipy.interpolate.curve_fit - typically the coefficients end up with huge numbers (like 1e9). I'm completly lost at this point.

What am I doing wrong :( ?


  • One of the problems is that you fit 1/m. While this is correct from a physics point of view, it is bad from the algorithm point of view. If the fitting algorithm needs to change sign for values of m near zero, the coefficients diverge. Consequently, it is better to fit mI = 1/m and make the according error progressions later. Here I use leastsqwhich requires some additional calculations for the covariance matrix (as it returns the reduced form). I do the fit with g() and the inverse masses, but you can immediately reproduce your problems when introducing f() and directly fitting the ms.

    A second point is that the data has an offset, i.e. if x = y = z = 0 the data is v= -0.0195 This needs to be introduced into the model.

    Finally, I'd say that you already have non-parabolic behaviour in your data.

    Nevertheless, here is how it looks like:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.optimize import leastsq
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    data = np.loadtxt( "silicon.csv", delimiter=',' )
    def f( x, y, z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, offI ):
        out = 1./(2 * mxx) * x * x
        out += 1./( mxy ) * x * y
        out += 1./( mxz ) * x * z
        out += 1./( 2 * myy ) * y * y
        out += 1./( myz ) * y * z
        out += 1./( 2 * mzz ) * z * z
        out += 1./offI
        return out
    def g( x, y, z, mxxI, mxyI, mxzI, myyI, myzI, mzzI, off ):
        out = mxxI / 2 * x * x
        out += mxyI  * x * y
        out += mxzI * x * z
        out += myyI / 2 * y * y
        out += myzI  * y * z
        out += mzzI / 2  * z * z
        out += off
        return out
    def residuals( params, indata ):
        out = list()
        for x, y, z, v in indata:
            out.append( v - g( x,y, z, *params ) )
        return out
    sol, cov, info, msg, ier = leastsq( residuals,  7*[0], args=( data, ), full_output=True)
    s_sq = sum( [x**2 for x in residuals( sol, data) ] )/ (len( data ) - len( sol ) )
    print "solution"
    print sol
    masses = [1/x for x in sol]
    print "masses:"
    print masses
    print "covariance matrix:"
    covMX = cov * s_sq
    print covMX
    print "sum of residuals"
    print sum( residuals( sol, data) )
    ### plotting the cuts
    fig = plt.figure('cuts')
    ax = dict()
    for i in range( 1, 10 ):
        ax[i] = fig.add_subplot( 3, 3, i )
    dl = np.linspace( -.2, .2, 25)
    #### xx
    xdata = [ [ x, v ] for x,y,z,v in data if ( abs(y)<1e-3 and abs(z) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( x, 0, 0, *masses ) for x in dl ), np.float )
    ax[1].plot( *zip(*sorted( xdata ) ), ls='', marker='o')
    ax[1].plot( dl, vl )
    #### xy
    xydata = [ [ x, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs( x - y )<1e-2 and abs(z) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( xy, xy, 0, *masses ) for xy in dl ), np.float )
    ax[2].plot( *zip(*sorted( xydata ) ), ls='', marker='o')
    ax[2].plot( dl, vl )
    #### xz
    xzdata = [ [ x, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs( x - z )<1e-2 and abs(y) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( xz, 0, xz, *masses ) for xz in dl ), np.float )
    ax[3].plot( *zip(*sorted( xzdata ) ), ls='', marker='o')
    ax[3].plot( dl, vl )
    #### yy
    ydata = [ [ y, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs(x)<1e-3 and abs(z) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( 0, y, 0, *masses ) for y in dl ), np.float )
    ax[5].plot( *zip(*sorted( ydata ) ), ls='', marker='o' )
    ax[5].plot( dl, vl )
    #### yz
    yzdata = [ [ y, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs( y - z )<1e-2 and abs(x) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( 0, yz, yz, *masses ) for yz in dl ), np.float )
    ax[6].plot( *zip(*sorted( yzdata ) ), ls='', marker='o')
    ax[6].plot( dl, vl )
    #### zz
    zdata = [ [ z, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs(x)<1e-3 and abs(y) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( 0, 0, z, *masses ) for z in dl ), np.float )
    ax[9].plot( *zip(*sorted( zdata ) ), ls='', marker='o' )
    ax[9].plot( dl, vl )
    #### some diag
    ddata = [ [ z, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs(x - y)<1e-3 and abs(x - z) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( d, d, d, *masses ) for d in dl ), np.float )
    ax[7].plot( *zip(*sorted( ddata ) ), ls='', marker='o' )
    ax[7].plot( dl, vl )
    #### some other diag
    ddata = [ [ z, v ] for x, y, z, v in data if ( abs(x - y)<1e-3 and abs(x + z) < 1e-3 ) ]
    vl = np.fromiter( ( f( d, d, -d, *masses ) for d in dl ), np.float )
    ax[8].plot( *zip(*sorted( ddata ) ), ls='', marker='o' )
    ax[8].plot( dl, vl )

    This gives the following output:

    [-1.46528595  0.25090717  0.25090717 -1.46528595  0.25090717 -1.46528595 -0.01993436]
    [-0.6824606499739905, 3.985537743156507, 3.9855376943660676, -0.6824606473928339, 3.9855377322848344, -0.6824606467055248, -50.16463861555409]
    covariance matrix:
    [ 4.76417852e-03 -1.46907683e-12 -8.57639600e-12 -2.21281938e-12 -2.38444957e-12  8.42981521e-12 -2.70034183e-05]
    [-1.46907683e-12  9.17104397e-04 -7.10573582e-13  1.32125214e-11  7.44553140e-12  1.29909935e-11 -1.11259046e-13]
    [-8.57639600e-12 -7.10573582e-13  9.17104389e-04 -8.60004172e-12 -6.14797647e-12  8.27070243e-12  3.11127064e-14]
    [-2.21281914e-12  1.32125214e-11 -8.60004172e-12  4.76417860e-03 -4.20477032e-12  9.20893224e-12 -2.70034186e-05]
    [-2.38444957e-12  7.44553140e-12 -6.14797647e-12 -4.20477032e-12  9.17104395e-04  1.50963408e-11 -7.28889534e-14]
    [ 8.42981530e-12  1.29909935e-11  8.27070243e-12  9.20893175e-12  1.50963408e-11  4.76417849e-03 -2.70034182e-05]
    [-2.70034183e-05 -1.11259046e-13  3.11127064e-14 -2.70034186e-05 -7.28889534e-14 -2.70034182e-05  5.77019926e-07]
    sum of residuals

    ...and here some 1d cuts that show some significant deviation from parabolic behaviour if one is not on one of the main axes.

    some 1d cuts