
make output from array with same keys from the database

I get the information from the database. For example, my database data is as follows: I get the information from the database. For example, my database data is as follows:

    p_id | description_name | description_value |
    1    |        author    |          X1       |
    1    |        editor    |          X2       |
    2    |        author    |          Y1       |
    3    |        author    |          Z1       |
    3    |        editor    |          Z2       |
------------------------------------------------- ...

So in the php code section I use this method to get descriptions:


    $result5 = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM `descriptions` ");

    while ($row5 = $result5 ->fetch_assoc()){ 

        $des[] = [(int) $row5['p_id'] ,[   $row5['description_name'] => $row5['description_value']]   ]  ;      

    echo json_encode( $des);


this is the output of this code:

[[1,{"author": "X1"}],[1,{"editor": "X2"}],[2,{"author": "Y1"}],[3,{"author": "Z1"}],[3,{"editor": "Z2"}],[ ...

But, my expected output is, like this:

[{"p_id" : 1,"author": "X1","editor": "X2"},{"p_id" : 2, "author": "Y1"},{"p_id" : 3,"author": "Z1","editor": "Z2"},{...

I hope that with your guidance this problem will be solved for me, Thank You...


  • What this code does is index your output by the p_id value, then if there is not already some data there, it just adds a new element with the p_id . It then adds in the data with the description_name and description_value elements...

    In the json_encode() it uses array_values() to remove the index used to build the data...

    $des = [];
    while ($row5 = $result5 ->fetch_assoc()){
        if ( !isset ($des[$row5['p_id']])){
            $des[$row5['p_id']] = ["p_id" => (int)$row5['p_id']];
        $des[$row5['p_id']][$row5['description_name']] = $row5['description_value'] ;
    echo json_encode(array_values( $des ));

    with some test data, this gives (plus formatting)...

            "p_id": 1,
            "editor": "X2",
            "author": "Y1"
            "p_id": 2,
            "editor": "X2"