
How do I fix an import error for the SQLite Studio Android-Plugin that does exist?

My Problem: I'm receiving the flowing error when trying to launch my Android application with the SQLiteStudioRemote plugin (jar file). Below is a copy of the error and an image the shows the jar is properly included as an external jar and that the import acknowledges its existence.

error: package does not exist import;

Import statement and external jar

What I have tried: I followed the SQLite Studio links for the instructions and video provided through the SQLite Studio Help > User Manual. I searched for this specific error but nothing turned up specific to this error. I'm using the SQLite 3 version and using the Intellij IDEA for development.

Video Instruction through Help link

Instructions online through Help link

What I'm trying to do: I'm trying to use the SQLite Studio plugin for connecting to an Android SQLite database in an Android application I'm developing.


  • I was able to get passed this issue, but the actual issue was never resolved. However, I didn't want to leave an open question.

    I opened my SQLite DB in the Android app Assets folder through SQLiteStudio directly. I was never able to get the SQLiteStudioRemote.jar to work. At the time of this post, I reached out to Salsoft and they were not sure why SQLiteStudioRemote would not work with Intellij IDEA as they use Eclipse.