So - I've been running around ways to do this and get half way there which is a bit infuriating!
Using jetpack portfolio - I want to show normal categories in my blog section and posts, and jetpack project types on the portfolio page and single projects.
My current code looks like this - and shows the jetpack portfolio types for the first post on the archive-jetpack-portfolio, and display correctly on the single project. but doesn;t work at all for the blog posts.
if (is_page_template('page-blog.php','single.php','index.php' )){
'show_option_all' => '',
'title_li' => '',
'separator' => '%20',
'orderby' => 'name'
} else {
the_terms($posts->ID, 'jetpack-portfolio-type');
So if these pages - show this, else show this. I know the $post-ID is where it's falling over for the archive page. Don't know why the blog bit isn't working.
Hope that's enough to go on. I bow to your infinite knowledge hive-mind!
Depending on custom template you have created you will need to call for custom footer using get_footer function. Here you can read more about get_footer function. You just need to specify $name parameter.