I'm having a problem generating my DB using go-gorm.
When I'm building the DB gorm does generate the association table device_group
but without foreign-keys.
I have the following structs: Device
and Group
. A group can have more then 1 device, and the same device can be in more then one Group many-to-many
//Group group of devices
type Group struct {
Name string
SVG string
Devices []*Device `gorm:"many2many:device_group;"`
//Device is a singe phisycal mesurment device
type Device struct {
DeviceName string
Svg string
IP string
LastActive time.Time
MAC string
Version string
Groups []*Group `gorm:"many2many:device_group;"`
Add aforeign key:
"device_group(device_id)", "CASCADE", "CASCADE")
"device_group(group_id)", "CASCADE", "CASCADE")
Running the function AddForeignKey
returns this error:
[2020-01-28 11:53:11] pq: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "device_group"
As you can see: it's generating the device_group
table but there are no foreign keys.
I tried to play with field tags, tried to modify the AddForeignKey function or remove it but nothing seems to work.
Any ideas?
thank you
The referenced keys must be primary keys, therefore you have to add the constraints the other way around. The following works for me with your code:
db.Table("device_group").AddForeignKey("device_id", "devices(id)", "CASCADE", "CASCADE")
db.Table("device_group").AddForeignKey("group_id", "groups(id)", "CASCADE", "CASCADE")