I need help with creating regular expressions for NMEA sentence. The reason for this because I want to validate the data whether it is a correct form of NMEA sentence. Using C++. Below is some example of NMEA sentence in the form of GLL. If it's possible I would also like to get a sample of c++ that will validate the code.
I have also included the expression I have tried that I found it online. But when I run it, it says unknown escape sequence.
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Target sequence
string s = "$GPGLL, 54 30.49, N, 1 06.74, W, 16 39 58 *5E";
// An object of regex for pattern to be searched
regex r("[A-Z] \w+,\d,\d,(?:\d{1}|),[A-B],[^,]+,0\*([A-Za-z0-9]{2})");
// flag type for determining the matching behavior
// here it is for matches on 'string' objects
smatch m;
// regex_search() for searching the regex pattern
// 'r' in the string 's'. 'm' is flag for determining
// matching behavior.
regex_search(s, m, r);
// for each loop
for (auto x : m)
cout << "The nmea sentence is correct ";
return 0;
The C++ compiler interprets \d
and friends as a character escape code.
Either double the backslashes:
regex r("[A-Z] \\w+,\\d,\\d,(?:\\d{1}|),[A-B],[^,]+,0\\*([A-Za-z0-9]{2})");
or use a raw literal:
regex r(R"re([A-Z] \w+,\d,\d,(?:\d{1}|),[A-B],[^,]+,0\*([A-Za-z0-9]{2}))re");