
How do I insert JSON into a postgres table using Anorm?

I'm getting a runtime exception when trying to insert a JSON string into a JSON column. The string I have looks like """{"Events": []}""", the table has a column defined as status JSONB NOT NULL. I can insert the string into the table from the command line no problem. I've defined a method to do the insert as:

    import play.api.libs.json._
    import anorm._
    import anorm.postgresql._

    def createStatus(
      status: String,
      created: LocalDateTime = c: SQLConnection): Unit = {
             |INSERT INTO status_feed
             |  (status, created)
             |  ({status}, {created})
          'status -> Json.parse("{}"), // n.b. would be Json.parse(status) but this provides a concise error message
          'created -> created)

and calling it gives the following error:

TypeDoesNotMatch(Cannot convert {}: org.postgresql.util.PGobject to String for column ColumnName(status_feed.status,Some(status)))
anorm.AnormException: TypeDoesNotMatch(Cannot convert {}: org.postgresql.util.PGobject to String for column ColumnName(status_feed.status,Some(status)))

I've done loads of searching for this issue but there's nothing about this specific use case that I could find - most of it is pulling out json columns into case classes. I've tried slightly different formats using spray-json's JsValue, play's JsValue, simply passing the string as-is and casting in the query with ::JSONB and they all give the same error.

Update: here is the SQL which created the table:

  CREATE TABLE status_feed (
    status JSONB NOT NULL,


  • Turns out cchantep was right, it was the parser I was using. The test framework I am using swallowed the stack trace and I assumed the problem was on the insert, but what's actually blowing up is the next line in the test where I use the parser.

    The case class and parser were defined as:

    case class StatusFeed(
      status: String,
      created: LocalDateTime) {
      val ItemsStatus: Status = status.parseJson.convertTo[Status]
    object StatusFeed extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
      val fields: String = sqlFields[StatusFeed]() // helper function that results in "created, status"
      // used in SQL as RETURNING ${StatusFeed.fields}
      val parser: RowParser[StatusFeed] =
      // json formatter for Status

    As defined the parser attempts to read a JSONB column from the result set into the String status. Changing fields to val fields: String = "created, status::TEXT" resolves the issue, though the cast may be expensive. Alternatively, defining status as a JsValue instead of a String and providing an implicit for anorm (adapted from this answer to use spray-json) fixes the issue:

      implicit def columnToJsValue: Column[JsValue] = anorm.Column.nonNull[JsValue] { (value, meta) =>
        val MetaDataItem(qualified, nullable, clazz) = meta
        value match {
          case json: org.postgresql.util.PGobject => Right(json.getValue.parseJson)
          case _ =>
              s"Cannot convert $value: ${value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass} to Json for column $qualified"))