I used reflection like so to print out the properties of the System.out
System.out.println("Class: " + System.out.getClass().getName());
for (Field field : ObjectUtils.getAllFields(System.out)) {
System.out.println("> " + field.getType().getSimpleName() + ' ' + field.getName() + " = " + field.get(System.out));
This was the result:
Class: java.io.PrintStream
> boolean autoFlush = false
> boolean trouble = false
> Formatter formatter = null
> BufferedWriter textOut = java.io.BufferedWriter@43c1b556
> OutputStreamWriter charOut = java.io.OutputStreamWriter@587e5365
> boolean closing = false
> OutputStream out = org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream@22fcf7ab
As you can see, the autoflush
is set to false
. So my question is simple -- how do I configure System.out
to have autoflush
set to true
Wrap it in another stream:
PrintStream newOut = new PrintStream(System.out, true);
// And then set it to out (Credit to David Zimmerman in the comments)