
Python TypeError - list indices must be integers or slices, not str

I have a Lambda function that is designed to turn ON/OFF my Philip HUE lightbulbs. I am able to execute the python script & it runs (error-free) on my local machine. However, when I trigger the Lambda function (using an IoT Button) I get the following error message.

[ERROR] TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/task/", line 13, in lambda_handler
    if data["state"]["on"] == False:

Does anyone have any ideas/insight? Here is the full Python script:

import requests,json

bridgeIP = "ip_here"
userID = "userID_here"
lightID = "4" #Represents the ID assigned to lightbulb, in the living room.

def lambda_handler(lightID, lambda_context):
    url = f"http://{bridgeIP}/api/{userID}/lights/{lightID}"

    r = requests.get(url)
    data = json.loads(r.text)

    if data["state"]["on"] == False:
        r = requests.put(f"{url}/state", json.dumps({"on":True}))
    elif data["state"]["on"] == True:
        r = requests.put(f"{url}/state", json.dumps({"on":False}))

lambda_handler(lightID, 4)

The last line in my script calls the lambda_handler() function. I'm told that I do not need this line because my Lambda calls the function when the Lambda Function is triggered. However I (believe) that I do need to manually call the function, when executing the script on my local machine.


  • The dataString variable represented a dictionary (NOT a list) of values. It was necessary for me to use the nestedGet() function to determine the value of the "on" key.

    {"on":True} vs {"on":False})

    The final version of my fully-functional python script can be found here.