
Parsing includes for nested tranformers

I'm trying to figure out how I can parse includes for nested transformers, given the scenario below:

I have a controller which sets my ArraySerializer, parses includes for the OrderTransformer and then creates the data:

$data = (new Manager())
    ->setSerializer(new ArraySerializer())
    ->createData(new Collection($orders, new OrderTransformer()));

Inside my order transformer I have the include dispatches which I'm parsing from the above:

class OrderTransformer
    protected $availableIncludes = [

    public function transform($order)
        return [];

    public function includeDispatches($order)
        return $this->collection($order->getDispatches(), new DispatchesTransformer());

However where I'm getting stuck is inside my DispatchesTransformer:

class DispatchesTransformer
    protected $avaiableIncludes = [

    public function transform($order)
        return [];

    public function includeProduct()
        // ...

I have an available include product I'd like to use. I don't want to make this a default include. How can I use that include?

I have tried something like this from my controller:

->parseIncludes(['dispatches', 'product'])


  • This can be achieved using the dot notation like so:


    It is actually in the documentation under including data, something I overlooked: