
sp_MSforeachtable order by

I am using sp_MSforeachtable to get a rowcount of specific tables in my database. I want these ordered by name.

How do I add an ORDER BY clause to sp_MSforeachtable?


  • I understand this question is over 10 years old, but it has over 3000 visits and a bunch of wrong answers. I'm going to repurpose Chris R.'s answer in hopes of getting this marked as the accepted answer, instead of overly-complicated half-pages of SQL or "you can't" answers. I came here with the exact same question so it's still relevant and obviously not simple.

    Use the @whereand parameter to specify an ORDER BY clause, The contents of that parameter are tacked on to the end of the internal SELECT statement via a simple + @whereand in the stored proc. And using 1 in ORDER BY 1 means to order by the first column.

    sp_MSforeachtable @command1='SELECT COUNT(*) AS ''?'' FROM ?', @whereand = 'ORDER BY 1'