
How to handle Firebase FCM registration token if you have thousands of users for sending push notifications?

I want to send push notifications to thousands of mobile users. Do i need to store the registration tokens of all the users in my database ? If so how can i store it efficiently while detecting the token changes and all ? I want to send push notifications for all the users whether they are logged in or not.

I am extracting token like this

 await getToken(messaging, {
      vapidKey: 'vapid key',
      .then((currentToken: any) => {
        if (currentToken) {
          console.log('toekn', currentToken)
          // Send the token to your server and update the UI if necessary
        } else {
          // Show permission request UI
            'No registration token available. Request permission to generate one.',
      .catch(err => {
        console.log('An error occurred while retrieving token. ', err)


  • It looks like a react part and the rendere part does not contain an object for filtering.

    Anyway it is a good idea to do the filtering first and then render the data set for output.

        weekLogs = this.props.weeklyLogs          
            .filter(weekLogs =><10)  
            .map(weekLogs =>
                <div >