
How to call a specific UIButton by tag other than the sender?

In a simple memory game I have a struct that defines the two cards that are tapped and returns in mutating functions the integers firstFlippedCard and secondFlippedCard.

If these do not match by another property, I want both cards to 'flip back'. I made a transition function for this - however, I can only make the last tapped button to switch back using the following logic:

    @IBAction func cardsPress(_ sender: UIButton) {

        flip(sender: sender)

        if cardBrain.checkFirstCard(card: sender.tag - 1) == true {
            //stay flipped
        } else if cardBrain.checkForMatch(card: sender.tag - 1).match == true {
            //stay flipped
        } else {
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(1), execute:  {
                self.backFlip(sender: sender)


Note that multiple UIButtons are linked to cardsPress. How can I make them both flip back instead of only the sender?


  • Add a property to keep track of the previousButton pressed. Then use this property to flip both the current sender and the previousButton. Finally, set previousButton back to nil after flipping it or deciding to keep it flipped.

    var previousButton: UIButton?
    var waitForFlip = false
    @IBAction func cardsPress(_ sender: UIButton) {
        // ignore button input while waiting for cards to unflip
        guard !waitForFlip else { return }
        flip(sender: sender)
        if cardBrain.checkFirstCard(card: sender.tag - 1) {
            //stay flipped
            previousButton = sender
        } else if cardBrain.checkForMatch(card: sender.tag - 1).match  {
            //stay flipped
            previousButton = nil
        } else {
            waitForFlip = true
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(1), execute:  {
                self.backFlip(sender: sender)
                if let button = previousButton {
                    self.backFlip(sender: button)
                    self.previousButton = nil
                self.waitForFlip = false
