
Multiple OR operators in ternary condition,

I'm trying to create a new string by checking the value of a character and replacing it based on the true or false evaluation from the ternary operator.

I have had success using only a single character and from what I have read it is possible to have a ternary operator condition include the || or operator. I have tried using only two and it's not producing the correct result.

Is it because once the condition is met is wont go past || or operator?

How much can ternary conditions contain and would it work better to put conditions into a variable or function?

I'm aware the problem can be solved differently but I am experimenting with the ternary operator to gain a better understanding.

Thanks in advance, I'm new to JavsScript.


let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using, or other e-commerce websites, the White House said.'

const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
const ranNum = () => {return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)}

let news = ''

const swapper = input => {
  let count = 0
    while (count != input.length) {
      let cond = input[count].toLowerCase()
      cond != ' ' || cond != 'a' ? news += vowels[ranNum()] : news += input[count]
    count ++
  } console.log(news)


//c != 'a' || c != 'e' || c != 'i' || c != 'o' || c != 'u'


  • The problem is

    cond != ' ' || cond != 'a' ? (...)

    This condition will always be true - if cond is a space, it will fulfill cond != 'a'. If cond is 'a', it will fulfill cond != ' '. If cond is anything else, it will fulfill cond != ' '.

    Instead use:

    (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? news += input[count] : news += vowels[ranNum()];

    let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using , or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.'
    const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
    const ranNum = () => {return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)}
    let news = ''
    const swapper = input => {
      let count = 0
        while (count != input.length) {
          let cond = input[count].toLowerCase();
          (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? news += input[count] : news += vowels[ranNum()];
        count ++
      } console.log(news)
    //c != 'a' || c != 'e' || c != 'i' || c != 'o' || c != 'u'

    That said, you really really shouldn't abuse the conditional operator as a replacement for if-else:

    let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using , or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.'
    const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
    const ranNum = () => {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)
    let news = ''
    const swapper = input => {
      let count = 0
      while (count != input.length) {
        let cond = input[count].toLowerCase();
        if (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') {
          news += input[count]
        } else {
          news += vowels[ranNum()];

    If you want to use the conditional operator here, you should do it after the news += part:

    news += (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? input[count] : vowels[ranNum()];

    let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using , or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.'
    const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
    const ranNum = () => {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)
    let news = ''
    const swapper = input => {
      let count = 0
      while (count != input.length) {
        let cond = input[count].toLowerCase();
        news += (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? input[count] : vowels[ranNum()];

    It might be clearer to use an array when there are multiple values to check (especially if you plan on having more than 2 checks eventually):

    let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S. citizens who shop online using , or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.'
    const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
    const ranNum = () => {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)
    let news = ''
    const swapper = input => {
      let count = 0
      while (count != input.length) {
        let cond = input[count].toLowerCase();
        news += [' ', 'a'].includes(cond) ? input[count] : vowels[ranNum()];