I have a file with multiple lines in this format (reverse dns entries): core.admin.my.lan.
I'm trying to break up the line into multiple variables so I can use them to recreate its IP address, and use as an IPA DNS entry line
ipa dnsrecord-add admin.my.lan core --a-rec
So far I have been able to come up with this:
while read line ; do
IFS=', ' read -r -a my_array <<< $(echo $line | awk -F '[. ]' '{print $4, $3, $2, $1, $7, $8}')
while IFS= read -r first second third fourth fifth sixth; do
echo "first=$first second=$second third=$third fourth=$fourth fifth=$fifth sixth=$sixth";
done <<< "$my_array"
unset my_array
done <reverse_entries.txt
but this only creates the first variable $first
first=192 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
first=10 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
first=192 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
first=192 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
first=192 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
first=192 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
first=192 second= third= fourth= fifth= sixth=
Please what am I doing incorrectly?
Your script looks like you should rewrite all of it in Awk; but here is a simple Bash script which hopefully offers at least a hint as to how your script could be simplified if you really want to write it in Bash.
split () {
local IFS='.'
printf ' %s' $*
while read ptr fqdn; do
ips=($(split "$ptr"))
echo "ipa dnsrecord-add ${domain%.} $host --a-rec ${ips[3]}.${ips[2]}.${ips[1]}.${ips[0]}"
done <<\: core.admin.my.lan.
ipa dnsrecord-add admin.my.lan core --a-rec
Here's a quick and dirty Awk reimplementation.
awk '{ split($1, rev, /[.]/); split($2, fqdn, /[.]/);
domain=$2; sub("^" fqdn[1] "[.]", "", domain); sub(/[.]$/, "", domain);
print "ipa dnsrecord-add", fqdn[1], domain,\
"--a-rec", rev[4] "." rev[3] "." rev[2] "." rev[1] }' reverse_entries.txt