
NUnit, testing against multiple cultures

Using NUnit I wish to run all the tests in a certain project against multiple cultures.

The project deals with parsing data that should be culture neutral, to ensure this I would like to run every test against multiple cultures.

The current solution I have is

public abstract class FooTests {
    /* tests go here */

[TestFixture, SetCulture ("en-GB")] public class FooTestsEN : FooTests {}
[TestFixture, SetCulture ("pl-PL")] public class FooTestsPL : FooTests {}

Ideally, I shouldn't have to create these classes and instead use something like:

[assembly: SetCulture ("en-GB")]
[assembly: SetCulture ("pl-PL")]


  • Unfortunatelly this isn't possible now but is planned for future.

    You can also do this.

    public class AllCultureTests
      private TestSomething() {...}
      public void ShouldDoSomethingInPoland()

    Maybe that's something you would prefer?