
access postgres in kubernetes from an application outside the cluster

Am trying to access postgres db deployed in kubernetes(kubeadm) on centos vms from another application running on another centos vm. I have deployed postgres service as 'NodePort' type. My understanding is we can deploy it as LoadBalancer type only on cloud providers like AWS/Azure and not on baremetal vm. So now am trying to configure 'ingress' with NodePort type service. But am still unable to access my db other than using kubectl exec $Pod-Name on kubernetes master.

My ingress.yaml is

kind: Ingress
  name: postgres-ingress
    serviceName: postgres
    servicePort: 5432

which does not show up any address as below

NAME                    HOSTS   ADDRESS    PORTS   AGE
postgres-ingress        *                  80      4m19s

am not even able to access it from pgadmin on my local mac. Am I missing something?

Any help is highly appreciated.


  • Ingress won't work, it's only designed for HTTP traffic, and the Postgres protocol is not HTTP. You want solutions that deal with just raw TCP traffic: