on iOS 13 it seems I cannot use CNContactViewController. This is the code I'm using:
func showCNContactViewController(inVC vc: UIViewController, cncontact: CNContact, contact: Contact? = nil) {
self.contact = contact
self.mode = .editing
let store = CNContactStore()
let contactVC = CNContactViewController(forNewContact: cncontact)
contactVC.delegate = self
contactVC.allowsActions = false
contactVC.contactStore = store
contactVC.shouldShowLinkedContacts = true
contactVC.title = cncontact.givenName
let contactNC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: contactVC)
vc.present(contactNC, animated: true, completion: nil)
Using this I'm getting a weird Discard Message and If the user taps on any field it will present the keyboard and the message is below the keyboard thus the user can't even dismiss this without using the Swipe gesture to go down. I've been searching everywhere and I did found workaround to the keyboard problem but I didn't found anyone reporting this issue with the discard message.
Your project is missing Localizable.strings
file (it can be empty, but it should exist in the project).
Strings will become human readable again :)