Im loading in R a csv (separated by comma) that has quotes " wrapping each row that contains a column with a value with decimals, and the particular value is wrapped with double quotes "" , the rows without this issue, have no " wrapping
the csv file looks like this:
2019,SPAIN, 2000, 300
Thats a doozy... the best I could come up with is reading it as text and then using gsub
to clean the thousands mark and double quotes.
# Read the csv as text, so we can run it through gsub
file_connection <- file("path_to_csv.csv")
text <- readLines(file_connection)
After reading the content of the csv as a string we can deal with the text "formatting"
# 1. Remove the comma as thousand mark
# There HAS to be a better way to do this regex but I couldn't remember
sanitized_mark <- gsub('(\\"\\"[0-9]+),([0-9]+\\"\\")', '\\1\\2', text)
# 2. Remove all double quotes
sanitized_quotes <- gsub('\\"', '', sanitized_mark)
# Paste it all together adding a newline character after each element
sanitized <- paste0(sanitized_quotes, collapse="\n")
The resulting string can be read as if it was the content of a .csv using the text
df <- read.csv(text=sanitized)