
Avoiding forced downcast from Any to CFString

So here's some code I found from another question, it has a forced downcast from Any to CFString

import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork

func fetchSSIDInfo() -> String? {
    var ssid: String?
    if let interfaces = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() as NSArray? {
        for interface in interfaces {
            // is there any way to remove the force downcast below 👇
            if let interfaceInfo = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(interface as! CFString) as NSDictionary? {
                ssid = interfaceInfo[kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID as String] as? String
    return ssid

Do you have to use the forced downcast or is there another way? Are there special rules when dealing with old Corefoundation objects? Because working with NSObjects seems a lot simpler.


  • Import Foundation to give the compiler information about bridging between Core Foundation types and Foundation types. Then cast the array as you want:

    import Foundation
    import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork
    func fetchSSIDInfo() -> String? {
        var ssid: String?
        if let interfaces = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() as? [CFString] {
            for interface in interfaces {
                if let interfaceInfo = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(interface) as NSDictionary? {
                    ssid = interfaceInfo[kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID as String] as? String
        return ssid