
Turning Array Into String in SnapLogic

I have the output of a SalesForce SOQL snap that is a JSON in this format.

    "QualifiedApiName": "Accelerator_Pack__c"
    "QualifiedApiName": "Access_Certifications__c"
    "QualifiedApiName": "Access_Requests__c"
    "QualifiedApiName": "Account_Cleansed__c"
    "QualifiedApiName": "Account_Contract_Status__c"

I am attempting to take those values and turn them into a string with the values separated by commas, like this, so that I can use that in the SELECT clause of another query.

Accelerator_Pack__c, Access_Certifications__c, Access_Requests__c, Account_Cleansed__c, Account_Contract_Status__c

From the documentation, my understanding was that .toString() would convert the array into a comma-separated string, but as shown in the attached image, it isn't doing anything. Does anyone have experience with this?

enter image description here


  • You need to aggregate the incoming documents.

    Use the Aggregate snap with the function CONCAT. This will give you a | delimited concatenated string as the output like as follows.


    You can then replace the | with , like $concatenated_fields.split('|').join(',') or $concatenated_fields.replace(/\|/g, ',').

    Following is a detailed explanation of the configuration.

    Sample Pipeline:

    Sample Pipeline

    Sample Input:

    I set the sample JSON you provided in a JSON Generator for testing.

    Sample Input



    Result of Aggregation:

    You get a | delimited concatenated string.

    aggregate output

    Mapper Expression:



    Both expressions give the same result.
