
Xamarin Setting default Boolean value

I am using sqlite-net-pcl and adding a new column to a database DTO and I wanted to set the default value to true and then once I have update the data it would update to the correct value. But the default is not working for me in xamarin.

is there any other way to do this?

        public boolean Istaxable  { get; set; } = true;

This will block me from doing a update.

   [NotNull, Default(value: true)]

Error default is unknown


public class DtoTaxableLink
    [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public bool IsTaxable  { get; set; } = true;


 await App.LocalDB.InsertTaxableLinksAsync(BuildDbTaxableLinkItem(    public Task<int> InsertTaxableLinksAsync(List<DtoTaxableLink> taxableLinks)

local db

public Task<int> InsertTaxableLinksAsync(List<DtoTaxableLink> taxableLinks)
return database.InsertAllAsync(taxableLinks, true);


 private static List<DtoTaxableLink> BuildDbTaxableLinkItem(List<TaxablelineLink> taxableLinks)
                List<DtoTaxableLink> dtoTaxableLink= new List<DtoTaxableLink>();
    foreach (var taxink in taxableLinks)
                    DtoTaxableLink dtoTaxableLink= new DtoTaxableLink();
                    dtoTaxableLink.IsTaxable  = taxableLinks.IsTaxable  ;              
                return dtoTaxableLink;


  • According to your description, you want to set the default value to true when using sqlite-net-pcl and adding a new column to a database.

    You can do it through property itself, field default value not going change until another value going to set.Please take a look the following code:

     public class User
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string userName { get; set; }
        public string password { get; set; }
        private bool _sel = true;
        public bool Selected
            get { return _sel; }
            set { _sel = value; }

    Now you can see I set Selected property default value is True, then you can update this value that you want.