
Can an Implementing Class of Foo be called as an extending class of Foo?

This question has been baffling to me; below is an example.

interface class:

public interface UserInterface{

   public String make_nickname();


implementing class:

public class UserInfo implements UserInterface{

   private String name;
   private String nickname;

   public String make_nickName(){
   this.nickname = + "ish";
   return this.nickname;


That given, I'm calling any instances that implements UserInterface like such:

some arbitrary function in another remote class:

public void showNickName(<T extends UserInterface>T user){

T is used to denote a (generic) implementing class of UserInterface.
But here I called it as <T exnteds UserInterface> which as far as I know implies T is an subclass(not implementing class) of UserInterface.
Is this legitimate grammar of calling instances of UserInfo?
Somehow above code seems to work for me.

Any feedback would be welcome.


  • As mentioned in the Java tutorial on bounded type parameters:

    In generics context, extends is used in a general sense to mean either "extends" (as in classes) or "implements" (as in interfaces).