I am trying to code a project which I have at least 20 rtsp CCTV URL going to access at same time.
I tried to use ffmpeg to reach out my goal via multiple input method. However, there is a problem.
ffmpeg -i URL_1 -i URL_2 -
The command above is the example I tried. I wish that I can access two rtsps via ffmpeg and output them into two different queues for the future use. If I use this command and read bytes after that, I can not distinguish which bytes belongs to which input rtsp.
Is there any other way which I can access more rtsp at same time?
Edit: Adding Code
import ffmpeg
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
import threading
import queue
import time
class CCTVReader(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, q, in_stream, name):
self.name = name
self.q = q
self.command = ["ffmpeg",
"-c:v", "h264", # Tell ffmpeg that input stream codec is h264
"-i", in_stream, # Read stream from file vid.264
"-c:v", "copy", # Tell ffmpeg to copy the video stream as is (without decding and encoding)
"-an", "-sn", # No audio an no subtites
"-f", "h264", # Define pipe format to be h264
"-"] # Output is a pipe
def run(self):
pipe = sp.Popen(self.command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=1024**3) # Don't use shell=True (you don't need to execute the command through the shell).
# while True:
for i in range(1024*10): # Read up to 100KBytes for testing
data = pipe.stdout.read(1024) # Read data from pip in chunks of 1024 bytes
# Break loop if less than 1024 bytes read (not going to work with CCTV, but works with input file)
if len(data) < 1024:
pipe.wait(timeout=1) # Wait for subprocess to finish (with timeout of 1 second).
except sp.TimeoutExpired:
pipe.kill() # Kill subprocess in case of a timeout (there should be a timeout because input stream still lives).
if self.q.empty():
print("There is a problem (queue is empty)!!!")
# Write data from queue to file vid_from_queue.264 (for testingg)
with open(self.name+".h264", "wb") as queue_save_file:
while not self.q.empty():
# Build synthetic video, for testing begins:
# width, height = 1280, 720
# in_stream = "vid.264"
# sp.Popen("ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i testsrc=size=1280x720:duration=5:rate=1 -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p " + in_stream).wait()
#Use public RTSP Streaming for testing
readers = {}
queues = {}
dict = {
for key in dict:
ip = dict[key]["ip"]
name = key
q = queue.Queue()
queues[name] = q
cctv_reader = CCTVReader(q, ip, name)
readers[name] = cctv_reader
You already have all the infrastructure in your previous question.
All you need to do is creating multiple objects of your 'CCTVReader' class.
Here is a working code sample, reading two streams:
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
import threading
import queue
import time
class CCTVReader(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, q, in_stream, chunk_size):
self.q = q
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.command = ["ffmpeg",
"-c:v", "h264", # Tell FFmpeg that input stream codec is h264
"-i", in_stream, # Read stream from file vid.264
"-c:v", "copy", # Tell FFmpeg to copy the video stream as is (without decoding and encoding)
"-an", "-sn", # No audio an no subtitles
"-f", "h264", # Define pipe format to be h264
"-"] # Output is a pipe
def run(self):
pipe = sp.Popen(self.command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=1024**3) # Don't use shell=True (you don't need to execute the command through the shell).
# while True:
for i in range(100): # Read up to 100KBytes for testing
data = pipe.stdout.read(self.chunk_size) # Read data from pip in chunks of self.chunk_size bytes
# Break loop if less than self.chunk_size bytes read (not going to work with CCTV, but works with input file)
if len(data) < self.chunk_size:
pipe.wait(timeout=1) # Wait for subprocess to finish (with timeout of 1 second).
except sp.TimeoutExpired:
pipe.kill() # Kill subprocess in case of a timeout (there should be a timeout because input stream still lives).
#in_stream = "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx/Streaming/Channels/101?transportmode=multicast",
#Use public RTSP Streaming for testing
in_stream1 = "rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov"
in_stream2 = "rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov"
q1 = queue.Queue()
q2 = queue.Queue()
cctv_reader1 = CCTVReader(q1, in_stream1, 1024) # First stream
cctv_reader2 = CCTVReader(q2, in_stream2, 2048) # Second stream
time.sleep(5) # Wait 5 seconds (for testing).
if q1.empty():
print("There is a problem (q1 is empty)!!!")
# Write data from queue to file vid_from_queue1.264 (for testing)
with open("vid_from_q1.264", "wb") as queue_save_file:
while not q1.empty():
if q2.empty():
print("There is a problem (q2 is empty)!!!")
# Write data from queue to file vid_from_queue2.264 (for testing)
with open("vid_from_q2.264", "wb") as queue_save_file:
while not q2.empty():
I don't think you can use a syntax like ffmpeg -i URL_1 -i URL_2 -
The code you have posted has few issues:
must be in a second loop, because it waits for the thread to end, and blocks execution. bufsize=1024**3
, try bufsize=1024**2*100
.Note: Python multi-threading performance is not so good, check the CPU load.
Here is a code sample (reading from files):
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
import threading
import queue
class CCTVReader(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, q, in_stream, chunk_size):
self.q = q
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.command = ["ffmpeg",
"-c:v", "h264", # Tell FFmpeg that input stream codec is h264
"-i", in_stream, # Read stream from file vid.264
"-c:v", "copy", # Tell FFmpeg to copy the video stream as is (without decoding and encoding)
"-an", "-sn", # No audio an no subtitles
"-f", "h264", # Define pipe format to be h264
"-"] # Output is a pipe
def run(self):
pipe = sp.Popen(self.command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=1024**2*100)
# while True:
for i in range(100): # Read up to 100KBytes for testing
data = pipe.stdout.read(self.chunk_size) # Read data from pip in chunks of self.chunk_size bytes
# Break loop if less than self.chunk_size bytes read (not going to work with CCTV, but works with input file)
if len(data) < self.chunk_size:
pipe.wait(timeout=1) # Wait for subprocess to finish (with timeout of 1 second).
except sp.TimeoutExpired:
pipe.kill() # Kill subprocess in case of a timeout (there should be a timeout because input stream still lives).
def save_q_to_file(self, vid_file_name):
# Write data from queue to file (for testing)
if self.q.empty():
print("There is a problem (q is empty)!!!")
with open(vid_file_name, "wb") as queue_save_file:
while not self.q.empty():
#in_stream = "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx/Streaming/Channels/101?transportmode=multicast",
#Use public RTSP Streaming for testing
#in_stream = "rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov"
#Use public RTSP Streaming for testing
readers = {}
queues = {}
# Read from file (for tesing)
dict = {
"name1":{ "ip":"vid1.264", "fname":"vid_from_q1.264"},
"name2":{ "ip":"vid2.264", "fname":"vid_from_q2.264"},
"name3":{ "ip":"vid3.264", "fname":"vid_from_q3.264"},
"name4":{ "ip":"vid4.264", "fname":"vid_from_q4.264"},
"name5":{ "ip":"vid5.264", "fname":"vid_from_q5.264"},
"name6":{ "ip":"vid6.264", "fname":"vid_from_q6.264"},
"name7":{ "ip":"vid7.264", "fname":"vid_from_q7.264"},
"name8":{ "ip":"vid8.264", "fname":"vid_from_q8.264"},
"name9":{ "ip":"vid9.264", "fname":"vid_from_q9.264"},
"name10":{"ip":"vid10.264", "fname":"vid_from_q10.264"},
"name11":{"ip":"vid11.264", "fname":"vid_from_q11.264"},
"name12":{"ip":"vid12.264", "fname":"vid_from_q12.264"},
"name13":{"ip":"vid13.264", "fname":"vid_from_q13.264"},
"name14":{"ip":"vid14.264", "fname":"vid_from_q14.264"},
"name15":{"ip":"vid15.264", "fname":"vid_from_q15.264"}
for key in dict:
ip = dict[key]["ip"]
name = key
q = queue.Queue()
queues[name] = q
cctv_reader = CCTVReader(q, ip, 8192)
readers[name] = cctv_reader
# Wait for all threads to end
for key in readers:
# Save data for testing
for key in readers:
fine_name = dict[key]["fname"]