
Send WhatsApp Notification using Pre-approved Template Message on Twilio

Hi I just got approved on Twilio to use it's WhatsApp messaging service. I have no problem when testing it in the sandbox, but I got trouble when I moved it into production environment.

Based on Twilio explanation, I have to start the conversation to WhatsApp customer using one of pre-approved templates. When the customer replied, we got 24 hours of window to send freeform messages.

I already did what's in the but unfortunately the given example is actually for freeform message.

Here's the script:


require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Twilio\Rest\Client;

$sid    = "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$token  = "your_auth_token";
$twilio = new Client($sid, $token);

$message = $twilio->messages
                  ->create("whatsapp:+14155238886", // to
                               "from" => "whatsapp:+15005550006",
                               "body" => "Hi Joe! Thanks for placing an order with us. We’ll let you know once your order has been processed and delivered. Your order number is O12235234"


Can anyone please help me with PHP script on how to send the WhatsApp message using this pre-approved template?


  • Alright, maybe some of you got here trying to ask the similar question and here's what I got after contacting the Twilio Support:

    Thats all I can share and I hope you don't have problem just like I did. Cheers!