
How to find frequency of a value in two different columns in sql?

I have a table which shows arrival airport and departure airport of flights. I need to find arrivals and departures of every airport

First one is the given table and second is the required table

I have tried the following

SELECT T.departure, count(F.departure), count(F.arrival) 
    SELECT departure FROM flights 
    SELECT arrival FROM flights
) T
LEFT JOIN flights F ON T.departure  = F.departure
LEFT JOIN flights F2 ON T.departure = F.arrival
GROUP BY T.departure


  • Here's one option:

    SQL> with
      2  test (dep, arr) as
      3    -- your sample data
      4    (select 'a', 'e' from dual union all
      5     select 'a', 'e' from dual union all
      6     select 'a', 'e' from dual union all
      7     select 'b', 'f' from dual union all
      8     select 'b', 'f' from dual union all
      9     select 'b', 'g' from dual union all
     10     select 'c', 'g' from dual
     11    ),
     12  deparr as
     13    -- departures and arrivals
     14    (select dep airport, 1 departure, 0 arrival from test
     15     union all
     16     select arr airport, 0 departure, 1 arrival from test
     17    )
     18  select airport, sum(departure) departure, sum(arrival) arrival
     19  from deparr
     20  group by airport
     21  order by airport;
    - ---------- ----------
    a          3          0
    b          3          0
    c          1          0
    e          0          3
    f          0          2
    g          0          2
    6 rows selected.

    (By the way, your expected output seems to be wrong. B has 3 departures.)