Testing BugSnag
with our Django
based REST-API server. I have an API endpoint that crashes on purpose just to test it, someone in a certain serializer my views use.
In my own settings.py
I have:
'api_key': '[redacted]',
'app_version': "1.0",
'project_root': "/path/to/my/project/folder/where/manage.py/is",
'release_stage': "development",
'notify_release_stages': ['development', 'staging', 'production']
<all other middleware>
When I run my server like this: gunicorn myproj.wsgi -b --reload
or python manage.py runserver
reports all crashes correctly.
However, when I use gunicorn myproj.wsgi -b --reload --worker-class eventlet
BugSnag stops sending bug reports when exception occurr. The only clue I have for this behavior is this:
2020-02-08 02:34:37,363 - [bugsnag] ERROR - Notifying Bugsnag failed wrap_socket() got an unexpected keyword argument '_context'
Why does BugSnag stop working when gunicorn
is used with the eventlet
worker class? I am completely at a loss here. There is zero references to the subject online as if this problem only occurs on my computer.... not very encouraging.
Rolled back to Python 3.6.5 to make it work -- Eventlet has an SSL issue with Python 3.7 still unfixed. It's virtually unusable on 3.7