I am trying to make a chatbot using Rasa for a website where the user will be asked their birth date like the photo I have attached.
Is it possible to add date picker in Rasa? I have already read the documentation but confused about how to customize it for website.
Date picker or other accessories are possible to add to Rasa and you can include them to your assistant by specifying custom output payloads. However, for that to work, you will need the specific accessory to be implemented in your client first.
For example, Slack has an block datepicker which can then be incorporated to Rasa as follows:
- custom:
- type: section
text: "Make a bet on when the world will end:"
type: mrkdwn
type: datepicker
initial_date: '2019-05-21'
type: plain_text
text: Select a date
Which chat widget are you using for integrating Rasa on your website?