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Ideas so far:
then I could easily calculate the EV. However, I did not find an API for this so far. I guess it's not possible without routing the device.Maybe I don't see a simpler solution. Has anyone done something like this?
Yes, you need to implement your own auto-exposure algorithm. All the 'real' AE has to go by is the image captured by the sensor as well, so in theory you can build something just as good at guessing the right light level.
In practice, it's unlikely you can match it, both because you have a longer feedback loop (the AE algorithm can cheat a bit on synchronization requirements and update sensor settings faster than an application can), and because the AE algorithm can use hardware statistics units (collect histograms and average values across the scene), which make it more efficient.
But a simple auto-exposure algorithm would be to average the whole scene (or a section of the scene, or every-tenth-pixel of the scene, etc) and if that average is below half max value, increase ISO, and if it's above, reduce. A basic feedback control loop, in other words. With all the issues about stability, convergence, etc, that apply. So a bit of control theory understanding can be quite helpful here. I'd recommend a low-resolution YUV output (640x480 maybe?) to an ImageReader from the camera to use as the source data, and then just look at the Y channel. Not a ton of data to churn through in that case.
Or as hb0 mentioned, if you have a very limited set of outdoor conditions, you can try to hardcode values for each of them. But the range of outdoor brightness can be quite large, so this would require a decent bit of testing to make sure it'll work, plus manual selection of the right values each time.