I want to train the NER-Model by spaCy on my own corpus, which was annotated via WebAnno. Unfortunately, the notation of one NE category in spaCy does not match with the respective notation in WebAnno: In WebAnno, the label is "OTH" whereas spaCy labels it "MISC" (semantically, it's the same). Would this affect the training process or the test accuracy in a negative way? Is it necessary to train an additional NE type "OTH" in this case? Thank you for your help!
spaCy version used: 2.2.5
Yes, of course you want to keep annotations aligned. If it's a one-off operation, it might be easiest to brute-force the problem by replacing the string in your data.
The more canonical option would appear to be TagMap: https://spacy.io/usage/adding-languages#tag-map. Quote:
[...] you need to define how [your tags] map down to the Universal Dependencies tag set.
Their example:
from ..symbols import POS, NOUN, VERB, DET
"NNS": {POS: NOUN, "Number": "plur"},
"VBG": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "part", "Tense": "pres", "Aspect": "prog"},
"DT": {POS: DET}