
PowerBI - Declining Trend Over Time

I'm working on a PowerBI Dashboard where I have a set number of values (Training Session -3084 Sessions) an assigned date of 2/15/20 and a due date of 3/28/20.

I'm trying to show a trend over time of the declining incompletions as we approach our goal and I'm now stuck.

I've created Date Range Table that lists each date between the Assigned Date and Finish as well as a custom columns that counts the corresponding completions for each date but I'm not sure how to tally up the incompletions and show the decline over time.

Columns: Session (Course Name), Status (Completion Status), Due Date (Date Session is Due) PowerBI Columns


Updated Results



  • Create the following measure. Put the Date column of the Date Range table on the axis of your chart and this measure as the value. This measure follows the following DAX pattern with the addition of subtracting the cumulative completions from the total session count.

    Remaining Incompletions Count = 
     ALL('Date Range')
     SUM('Date Range'[Completions by Date]),
      ALL('Date Range'[Date]), 
      'Date Range'[Date] <= MAX('Date Range'[Date])