
Connect Tableau to GCP Compute Instance running TabPy

I want to connect Tableau to TabPy installed on GCP Compute Instance. For that purpose I created a Compute Instance with default settings. Then I assigned a static external IP address to that instance.

In Tableau I am using an External Service Connection option: enter image description here

In the Server field I am providing my GCP Compute Instance external IP address. I leave Port on the default option. With that setup Tableau is not able to create a connection. Does someone know what I should change/add in the instance configuration to successfully create that connection?

I think I should be using Username and Password option, but I am not quite sure how to get username and password to my newly created GCP Compute Instance.


  • To access your VM from the internet on port 9004, you'd need to:

    1. Create a new firewall rule allowing incoming traffic on 9004 with a tag.
    2. Assign your instance with above tag.

    See documentation and/or short YouTube video