THis is an example of what I think i need to do
I would like to ask some modeling advise I cannot solve myself:
I am using Power BI to visualize the time machinery is out of order. The source is a register of equipment not functioning, with a start date and end date (note that there is no end date if the machine is not fixed yet).
I would like to show the time (hours, percentage, etc) that the machinery is out of order, filter for a specific period /date (e.g. month).
So I have 2 date columns: ‘’Start out of order’’ and ‘’Back in order’’
I do have a date table, which I usually would connect to all the date variables. However, since I am working with a Start and End date. This does not give the result I am looking for.
Any help is very much appreciated!
Kind regards,
Link to my Power BI FILE:
I am not sure how you would like to visualise your data, but this is what I managed to do:
create a daysdiff column with
Daysbetween = IF(ISBLANK(TF_Eventos
[End out of order]);DATEDIFF(TF_Eventos[Start out of
[Start out of order];TF_Eventos[End out of order];HOUR))
This creates your column to check difference between Dates. Then create a separate column with your Date. In this case I copied the Start out of order date, since I thought you might wanted to be able to filter for the start dates. Then simply create a relationship between your newly created Date column and your start out of order date.
Doing so lets you create a visual with the daysbetween (in this case portrayed in hours) and your start dates. Now just simply add a slicer and you can filter on date.
Hope this helps