
where are dependencies installed in the production server?

I am using Grails 2.2 and the plugins are really old. For some reason the dependencies are not resolving. I think it used to work because the plugins and files were in my local cache. From the documentation grails stores the dependencies locally in home/.grails/ivy-cache

With all these declarative dependencies, you may wonder where all the JARs end up. They have to go somewhere after all. By default Grails puts them into a directory, called the dependency cache, that resides on your local file system at user.home/.grails/ivy-cache. You can change this either via the settings.groovy file:

So the only option i can think of is to go to my remote server and find this directory to copy the dependencies to my local system. So where is this ivy-cache directory in production server? I dont seem to find it. Thanks for any help.


  • The same issue also I was working in the last week, from 15th January maven had decommissioned the http protocol where the URL "" has changed to"". Also need to check the grails maven to secured.

    In BuilConfig.groovy, you can add the dependencies and the changed maven repo else in the _Events.groovy need to change the repo address to secure protocol.

    If still you have protocol issue because of JDK8 try this -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 in the path or bat file.