
Fullscreen in Action extension iOS13

I have an action extension which should modify a picture via the native Foto app. Unfortunately, with iOS13 it always opens in the new cards look and while I have tried a lot of things I could not get rid of it. In particular, I am setting UIRequiresFullScreen and NSExtensionActionWantsFullScreenPresentation to YES in info.plist both, in the app and the action extension, and set the bounds to the screen bounds.

In the init of the presented ViewController, I set self.modalInPresentation to YES for iOS13 and self.modalInPopover for

I also set self.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;

This results in the topmost card being "fullscreen", but there is always another card visible below, and the viewController is automatically resized to a slightly smaller height to account for this card.

Here is a screenshot to illustrate the problem: on imgur

Is there any way to show the ViewController presented by an action extension in true fullscreen?


  • I have found the problem, the NSExtensionActionWantsFullScreenPresentation must be an immediate child of the NSExtension key, and I had it in the wrong place. Now it works!